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Published Photographs
Larry L. Kruckenberg has had hundreds of photographs published in dozens of national, regional, and state magazines; organization websites, special reports and brochures; and newspapers over the past 25 years. His work can be found in in the following publications:
Pheasants Forever Journal
Quail Forever Journal
The Pointing Dog Journal
The Retriever Journal
Turkey Country
The Upland Almanac
American Waterfowler
Waterfowl & Retriever
Versatile Hunting Dog
Wyoming Wildlife
Montana Outdoors
Outdoor California
Arizona Wildlife Views
Mississippi Outdoors
Texas Wildlife
North Dakota Outdoors
North Dakota Horizons
Georgia Sportsman
New York Game & Fish
California Game & Fish
Rocky Mountain Game & Fish
Washington-Oregon Game & Fish
National Wetlands Newsletter
Jackson Hole Guide
Hazen Star
Beulah Beacon
Playa Post
Intermountain West Joint Venture
North American Waterfowl Management Plan
U. S. Committee of the North American Bird Conservation Initiative
Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
- Mule Deer Foundation
NRCS - Montana
Wildlife Management Institute
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks
Frontier Chapter - North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association